* Class with all presets
* @module lib/Presets
import {RandomBasic} from './randombasic.mjs';
import is from 'is-it-check';
import log from 'loglevel';
* This object contains all predefined config sets
/* 2024-03-02 this is the original configuration setup
* it gives a lot of problems
const thePresets = {
'The default preset resulting in a password consisting of ' +
'3 random words of between 4 and 8 letters with alternating ' +
'case separated by a random character, with two random digits ' +
'before and after, and padded with two random characters front and back',
config: {
// eslint-disable-next-line max-len
symbol_alphabet: '! @ $ % ^ & * - _ + = : | ~ ? / . ;'.split(' '),
word_length_min: 4,
word_length_max: 8,
num_words: 3,
separator_character: 'RANDOM',
padding_digits_before: 2,
padding_digits_after: 2,
padding_type: 'FIXED',
padding_character: 'RANDOM',
padding_characters_before: 2,
padding_characters_after: 2,
case_transform: 'ALTERNATE',
random_function: RandomBasic,
random_increment: 'AUTO',
WEB32: {
'A preset for websites that allow passwords up to 32 characters long.',
config: {
padding_alphabet: '! @ $ % ^ & * + = : | ~ '.split(' '),
separator_alphabet: '- + = . * _ | ~ '.split(' '),
word_length_min: 4,
word_length_max: 5,
num_words: 4,
separator_character: 'RANDOM',
padding_digits_before: 2,
padding_digits_after: 2,
padding_type: 'FIXED',
padding_character: 'RANDOM',
padding_characters_before: 1,
padding_characters_after: 1,
case_transform: 'ALTERNATE',
allow_accents: 0,
WEB16: {
'A preset for websites that insist passwords not be longer ' +
'than 16 characters. WARNING - only use this preset if you ' +
'have to, it is too short to be acceptably secure and will ' +
'always generate entropy warnings for the case where the ' +
'config and dictionary are known.',
config: {
symbol_alphabet: '! @ $ % ^ & * - _ + = : | ~ ? / . '.split(' '),
word_length_min: 4,
word_length_max: 4,
num_words: 3,
separator_character: 'RANDOM',
padding_digits_before: 0,
padding_digits_after: 2,
padding_type: 'NONE',
case_transform: 'RANDOM',
allow_accents: 0,
'A preset for generating 63 character long WPA2 keys ' +
'(most routers allow 64 characters, but some only 63, ' +
'hence the odd length).',
config: {
padding_alphabet: '! @ $ % ^ & * + = : | ~ ?'.split(' '),
separator_alphabet: '- + = . * _ | ~ ,'.split(' '),
word_length_min: 4,
word_length_max: 8,
num_words: 6,
separator_character: 'RANDOM',
padding_digits_before: 4,
padding_digits_after: 4,
padding_type: 'ADAPTIVE',
padding_character: 'RANDOM',
pad_to_length: 63,
case_transform: 'RANDOM',
allow_accents: 0,
'A preset respecting the many prerequisites Apple places ' +
'on Apple ID passwords. The preset also limits itself to ' +
'symbols found on the iOS letter and number keyboards ' +
'(i.e. not the awkward to reach symbol keyboard)',
config: {
padding_alphabet: '- : . ! ? @ &'.split(' '),
separator_alphabet: '- : . @ } '.split(' '),
word_length_min: 4,
word_length_max: 7,
num_words: 3,
separator_character: 'RANDOM',
padding_digits_before: 2,
padding_digits_after: 2,
padding_type: 'FIXED',
padding_character: 'RANDOM',
padding_characters_before: 1,
padding_characters_after: 1,
case_transform: 'RANDOM',
allow_accents: 0,
'A preset for 14 character Windows NTLMv1 password. ' +
'WARNING - only use this preset if you have to, it is ' +
'too short to be acceptably secure and will always ' +
'generate entropy warnings for the case where the config ' +
'and dictionary are known.',
config: {
padding_alphabet: '! @ $ % ^ & * + = : | ~ ?'.split(' '),
separator_alphabet: '- + = . * _ | ~ ,'.split(' '),
word_length_min: 5,
word_length_max: 5,
num_words: 2,
separator_character: 'RANDOM',
padding_digits_before: 1,
padding_digits_after: 0,
padding_type: 'FIXED',
padding_character: 'RANDOM',
padding_characters_before: 0,
padding_characters_after: 1,
case_transform: 'INVERT',
allow_accents: 0,
description: 'A preset for creating fake answers to security questions.',
config: {
word_length_min: 4,
word_length_max: 8,
num_words: 6,
separator_character: ' ',
padding_digits_before: 0,
padding_digits_after: 0,
padding_type: 'FIXED',
padding_character: 'RANDOM',
padding_alphabet: '. ! ?'.split(' '),
padding_characters_before: 0,
padding_characters_after: 1,
case_transform: 'NONE',
allow_accents: 0,
'A preset for generating passwords similar ' +
'to the example in the original XKCD cartoon, ' +
'but with an extra word, a dash to separate ' +
'the random words, and the capitalisation randomised ' +
'to add sufficient entropy to avoid warnings.',
config: {
word_length_min: 4,
word_length_max: 8,
num_words: 5,
separator_character: '-',
padding_digits_before: 0,
padding_digits_after: 0,
padding_type: 'NONE',
case_transform: 'RANDOM',
allow_accents: 0,
const thePresets = {
'The default preset resulting in a password consisting of ' +
'3 random words of between 4 and 8 letters with alternating ' +
'case separated by a random character, with two random digits ' +
'before and after, and padded with two random characters front and back.',
config: {
// eslint-disable-next-line max-len
symbol_alphabet: '!@$%^&*-_+=:|~?/.;',
word_length_min: 4,
word_length_max: 8,
num_words: 3,
case_transform: 'CAPITALISE',
separator_type: 'RANDOM',
padding_digits_before: 2,
padding_digits_after: 2,
padding_type: 'FIXED',
padding_character_type: 'RANDOM',
padding_characters_before: 2,
padding_characters_after: 2,
random_function: RandomBasic,
random_increment: 'AUTO',
WEB32: {
'A preset for websites that allow passwords up to 32 characters long.',
config: {
word_length_min: 4,
word_length_max: 5,
num_words: 4,
case_transform: 'ALTERNATE',
separator_type: 'RANDOM',
separator_alphabet: '-+=.*_|~',
padding_digits_before: 2,
padding_digits_after: 3,
padding_type: 'FIXED',
padding_character_type: 'RANDOM',
padding_alphabet: '!@$%^&*+=:|~',
padding_characters_before: 1,
padding_characters_after: 1,
allow_accents: 0,
WEB16: {
'A preset for websites that insist passwords not be longer ' +
'than 16 characters. WARNING - only use this preset if you ' +
'have to, it is too short to be acceptably secure and will ' +
'always generate entropy warnings for the case where the ' +
'config and dictionary are known.',
config: {
symbol_alphabet: '!@$%^&*-_+=:|~?/.',
word_length_min: 4,
word_length_max: 4,
num_words: 3,
case_transform: 'RANDOM',
separator_type: 'RANDOM',
padding_type: 'NONE',
padding_digits_before: 0,
padding_digits_after: 1,
allow_accents: 0,
'A preset for generating 63 character long WPA2 keys ' +
'(most routers allow 64 characters, but some only 63, ' +
'hence the odd length).',
config: {
word_length_min: 4,
word_length_max: 8,
num_words: 6,
case_transform: 'RANDOM',
separator_type: 'RANDOM',
separator_alphabet: '-+=.*_|~,',
padding_type: 'ADAPTIVE',
pad_to_length: 63,
padding_digits_before: 4,
padding_digits_after: 4,
padding_character_type: 'RANDOM',
padding_alphabet: '!@$%^&*+=:|~?',
allow_accents: 0,
'A preset respecting the many prerequisites Apple places ' +
'on Apple ID passwords. The preset also limits itself to ' +
'symbols found on the iOS letter and number keyboards ' +
'(i.e. not the awkward to reach symbol keyboard).',
config: {
word_length_min: 4,
word_length_max: 7,
num_words: 3,
case_transform: 'RANDOM',
separator_type: 'RANDOM',
separator_alphabet: '-:.@}',
padding_type: 'FIXED',
padding_digits_before: 2,
padding_digits_after: 2,
padding_character_type: 'RANDOM',
padding_characters_before: 1,
padding_characters_after: 1,
padding_alphabet: '-:.!?@&',
allow_accents: 0,
'A preset for 14 character Windows NTLMv1 password. ' +
'WARNING - only use this preset if you have to, it is ' +
'too short to be acceptably secure and will always ' +
'generate entropy warnings for the case where the config ' +
'and dictionary are known.',
config: {
word_length_min: 5,
word_length_max: 5,
num_words: 2,
case_transform: 'INVERT',
separator_type: 'RANDOM',
separator_alphabet: '-+=.*_|~,',
padding_digits_before: 1,
padding_digits_after: 0,
padding_type: 'FIXED',
padding_character_type: 'RANDOM',
padding_characters_before: 0,
padding_characters_after: 1,
padding_alphabet: '!@$%^&*+=:|~?',
allow_accents: 0,
description: 'A preset for creating fake answers to security questions.',
config: {
word_length_min: 4,
word_length_max: 8,
num_words: 6,
case_transform: 'NONE',
separator_type: 'FIXED',
separator_character: ' ',
padding_digits_before: 0,
padding_digits_after: 0,
padding_type: 'FIXED',
padding_character_type: 'RANDOM',
padding_alphabet: '.!?',
padding_characters_before: 0,
padding_characters_after: 1,
allow_accents: 0,
'A preset for generating passwords similar ' +
'to the example in the original XKCD cartoon, ' +
'but with an extra word, a dash to separate ' +
'the random words, and the capitalisation randomised ' +
'to add sufficient entropy to avoid warnings.',
config: {
word_length_min: 4,
word_length_max: 8,
num_words: 5,
case_transform: 'RANDOM',
separator_type: 'FIXED',
separator_character: '-',
padding_type: 'NONE',
padding_digits_before: 0,
padding_digits_after: 0,
allow_accents: 0,
description: 'A preset for creating temporary phone friendly passwords.' +
' WARNING - They are not secure and should be changed immediately.',
config: {
word_length_min: 4,
word_length_max: 4,
num_words: 2,
case_transform: 'CAPITALISE',
separator_type: 'FIXED',
separator_character: '-',
padding_digits_before: 0,
padding_digits_after: 2,
padding_type: 'NONE',
allow_accents: 0,
// CUSTOM: {
// description: 'A preset loaded from configuration.',
// config: {
// word_length_min: 4,
// word_length_max: 4,
// num_words: 2,
// case_transform: 'CAPITALISE',
// separator_type: 'FIXED',
// separator_character: '-',
// padding_digits_before: 0,
// padding_digits_after: 2,
// padding_type: 'NONE',
// allow_accents: 0,
// },
// },
* Class that handles all presets
* A preset is an object that defines a predefined set of
* configurable settings.
* A preset object consists of 3 parts:
* * name - the name of the preset,
* which is just the object index in the list
* * description - a description of the preset
* * config - the set of configurable settings
* The configurable settings are described in the documentation.
* @class Presets
* @constructor
class Presets {
// private var holds the current preset
#presets = Object.keys(thePresets);
#max_alphabet = 20;
* Constructor: set either the default preset
* or a preset that is passed in.
* If the preset parameter matches one of the
* predefined sets, use that, otherwise
* assume it's a custom configuration.
* @param {any} preset - either string with
* name of predefined set or object with
* configuration parameters
constructor(preset) {
* if preset is undefined -> DEFAULT
* if preset is string
* -> if preset is found in thePresets
* -> the found preset
* -> else DEFAULT
* if preset is object
* -> set this config to this object
* if all this fails -> DEFAULT
if (is.undefined(preset)) {
this.#current = thePresets.DEFAULT;
this.#presetName = 'DEFAULT';
} else {
if (is.string(preset)) {
preset = preset.toUpperCase();
if (this.#presets.indexOf(preset) > -1) {
this.#current = thePresets[preset];
this.#presetName = preset;
} else {
this.#current = thePresets.DEFAULT;
this.#presetName = 'DEFAULT';
} else {
if (is.object(preset)) {
this.#current = preset;
this.#presetName = 'CUSTOM';
if (this.description() === '') {
this.#current.description = 'Your custom configuration';
} else {
this.#current = thePresets.DEFAULT;
this.#presetName = 'DEFAULT';
this.#current.config = this.__normalize(this.#current.config);
log.trace(`Preset constructor set to ${this.#presetName}`);
* Get the default preset
* @return {Object} - the preset
static getDefault() {
return thePresets.DEFAULT;
* Get the current preset
* @return {Object} - the preset
getCurrent() {
return this.#current;
* Get the config part of the current preset
* @return {Object} - the preset
config() {
return this.#current.config;
setConfig(settings) {
this.#current.config = this.__normalize(settings);
* Get the description of the preset
* @return {string} - the description of the preset
description() {
return this.#current.description;
* Get the name of the preset, e.g. DEFAULT
* @return {string} - the name of the preset
name() {
return this.#presetName;
* Get the list of available presets
* @return {Array} keys of presets
getPresets() {
return this.#presets;
* Normalize the config object
* This means that all elements of the config are present and set
* to a default. This makes the values of all properties much more
* consistent for use later on.
* @private
* @param {Object} config - object with properties set
* @return {Object} - the normalized config
__normalize(config) {
// create a clone, so we can safely reference the original value
const newConfig = {...config};
// set the min and max word lengths
const [min, max] = this.__getMinMaxWordLength(
config.min_word_length, config.max_word_length);
newConfig.min_word_length = min;
newConfig.max_word_length = max;
// make sure num_words >= 2
newConfig.num_words = Math.max(2, config.num_words);
// get the separator configuration
const {separatorType,
separatorAlphabet} = this.__getSeparatorConfig(config);
newConfig.separator_type = separatorType;
newConfig.separator_character = separatorCharacter;
newConfig.separator_alphabet = separatorAlphabet;
// get the padding character configuration
const {paddingCharType,
paddingAlphabet} = this.__getPaddingCharacterConfig(config);
newConfig.padding_character_type = paddingCharType;
newConfig.padding_character = paddingCharacter;
newConfig.padding_alphabet = paddingAlphabet;
// parse number fields to integers
Object.keys(newConfig).forEach(key => {
if (
key === 'word_length_min' || key === 'word_length_max' ||
key === 'padding_digits_before' || key === 'padding_digits_after' ||
key === 'padding_characters_before' || key === 'padding_characters_after' ||
key === 'num_words' || key === 'pad_to_length'
) {
newConfig[key] = parseInt(newConfig[key]);
return newConfig;
* Get the list of separator characters
* or default to the list of symbol characters
* @private
* @param {Object} config - the config to test
* @return {string} the list of characters
__getSeparatorAlphabet(config) {
// if there is no parameter, use the current config
const tmpConfig =
(is.undefined(config)) ? this.#current.config : config;
let alphabet =
(tmpConfig.separator_alphabet ?
tmpConfig.separator_alphabet :
return this.__configureAlphabet(alphabet);
* Get the list of padding characters
* or default to the list of symbol characters
* @private
* @param {Object} config - the config to test
* @return {string} the list of characters
__getPaddingAlphabet(config) {
// if there is no parameter, use the current config
const tmpConfig =
(is.undefined(config)) ? this.#current.config : config;
let alphabet =
(is.not.undefined(tmpConfig.padding_alphabet) ?
tmpConfig.padding_alphabet :
return this.__configureAlphabet(alphabet);
* Helper function to configure the alphabet
* or default to the DEFAULT.symbol_alphabet
* @private
* @param {array|string} alphabet - the alphabet to configure
* @return {string} - the alphabet as string
__configureAlphabet(alphabet) {
alphabet = ((alphabet === undefined || (alphabet.length === 0)) ?
thePresets.DEFAULT.config.symbol_alphabet : alphabet);
// make sure the alphabet is not longer than the max length
return is.array(alphabet) ?
alphabet.join('').substring(0, this.#max_alphabet) :
alphabet.substring(0, this.#max_alphabet);
* Get the min and max word length
* @private
* @param {number} min - minimum word length
* @param {number} max - maximum word length
* @return {Object} - min and max numbers
__getMinMaxWordLength(min, max) {
// make sure min and max are in the right order
// only positive values >= 3 (see documentation)
let minLength = Math.max(3, min);
let maxLength = Math.max(3, max);
// make sure min and max are not reversed
const tmp = Math.min(minLength, maxLength);
maxLength = Math.max(minLength, maxLength);
minLength = tmp;
return [minLength, maxLength];
* Get the separator configuration
* @private
* @param {Object} config - the config to fix
* @return {Object} - the object with the normalized properties
__getSeparatorConfig(config) {
const newConfig = {};
/* old config:
- separator_character = NONE, RANDOM or char
- separator_type does not exist
new config:
- separator_character = '' or char
- separator_type = NONE, RANDOM or FIXED
if (is.undefined(config.separator_type)) {
// we should be in the old config
switch (config.separator_character) {
case undefined:
case 'NONE':
newConfig.separatorType = 'NONE';
newConfig.separatorCharacter = '';
case 'RANDOM':
newConfig.separatorType = 'RANDOM';
newConfig.separatorCharacter = '';
if (config.separator_character.length > 1) {
throw new Error(
`Unknown separator code (${config.separator_character}) found`);
newConfig.separatorType = 'FIXED';
newConfig.separatorCharacter = config.separator_character;
} else {
// we should be in the new config
switch (config.separator_type) {
case 'NONE':
case 'RANDOM':
newConfig.separatorType = config.separator_type;
newConfig.separatorCharacter = '';
case 'FIXED':
if (is.undefined(config.separator_character) ||
config.separator_character.length > 1) {
throw new Error(
// eslint-disable-next-line max-len
`Multiple or unknown separator character(s) (${config.separator_character}) found`);
newConfig.separatorType = 'FIXED';
newConfig.separatorCharacter = config.separator_character;
throw new Error(
`Unknown separator code (${config.separator_type}) found`);
newConfig.separatorAlphabet = this.__getSeparatorAlphabet(config);
log.trace(`returning config: ${JSON.stringify(config)}`);
return newConfig;
* Get the padding character configuration
* @private
* @param {Object} config - the config to fix
* @return {Object} - the object with the normalized properties
__getPaddingCharacterConfig(config) {
const newConfig = {};
if (is.undefined(config.padding_character_type)) {
// we should be in the old config
switch (config.padding_character) {
case undefined:
case 'NONE':
newConfig.paddingCharType = 'NONE';
newConfig.paddingCharacter = '';
case 'RANDOM':
newConfig.paddingCharType = 'RANDOM';
newConfig.paddingCharacter = '';
newConfig.paddingCharType = 'SEPARATOR';
newConfig.paddingCharacter = config.separator_character;
if (config.padding_character.length > 1) {
throw new Error(
`Unknown padding code (${config.padding_character}) found`);
newConfig.paddingCharType = 'FIXED';
newConfig.paddingCharacter = config.padding_character;
} else {
// we should be in the new config
switch (config.padding_character_type) {
case 'NONE':
case 'RANDOM':
newConfig.paddingCharType = config.padding_character_type;
newConfig.paddingCharacter = '';
newConfig.paddingCharType = 'SEPARATOR';
newConfig.paddingCharacter = config.separator_character;
case 'FIXED':
if (is.undefined(config.padding_character) ||
config.padding_character.length > 1) {
throw new Error(
// eslint-disable-next-line max-len
`Multiple or unknown padding character(s) ($config.padding_character)`,
newConfig.paddingCharType = 'FIXED';
newConfig.paddingCharacter = config.padding_character;
throw new Error(
`Unknown padding character type (${config.padding_character_type})`);
newConfig.paddingAlphabet = this.__getPaddingAlphabet(config);
log.trace(`returning newConfig: ${JSON.stringify(newConfig)}`);
return newConfig;
export {Presets};