import log from 'loglevel';
const map = [
* @class This class handles the loading/saving of custom password
* configurations.
* There are 2 ways of loading/saving:
* - the origin of this class: using a base64encoded uri
* - importing and exporting a JSON file
* @constructor
class ConfigController {
* {XKPasswd} model - reference to password model
* @private
* {ConfigView} view - reference to ConfigView
* @private
* {SettingsController} settingsController - reference to SettingsController
* @private
* The default class constructor
* @param {XKPasswd} model - reference to PasswordModel
* @param {ConfigView} view - reference to ConfigView
* @param {SettingsController} settingsController - reference to
* SettingsController
constructor(model, view, settingsController) {
this.#model = model;
this.#view = view;
this.#settingsController = settingsController;
log.trace('ConfigController constructor executed');
* Import the settings from the uploaded file
* @param {Object} settings - the object containing the uploaded settings
* @function
importSettings = (settings) => {
log.trace(`importSettings: ${JSON.stringify(settings)}`);
// yes, config should be the same as settings, but there is some
// conversion going on in the preset class, so we use the one that is
// actually stored.
const config = this.#model.getPreset().config();
* Convert the settings to a JSON object
* @return {string} - the JSON version of the settings
* @function
exportSettings = () => {
const settings = this.#model.getPreset().config();
const jsonBlob = new Blob([JSON.stringify(settings)],
{type: 'application/json'});
return URL.createObjectURL(jsonBlob);
* Update the configUrl content
* @param {object} settings - configuration to convert to a URL
* @param {string} preset - (Optional) The name of the preset
updateLink(settings, preset = null) {
log.trace(`updateLink: ${JSON.stringify(settings)}`);
const link = new URL(window.location);
// Build the link with the correct search parameters
if (preset == null) {
const url = this.toUrl(settings);
link.href = url;
} else {
link.searchParams.set('p', preset.toUpperCase());
* Copy the parameter to the clipboard
* @param {string} url - the url to be copied
copyUrl(url) {
* Loads the settings from a URL and store them in the model,
* and returns the name of the preset if specified.
* @param {string} url - The URL to try to extract the settings from
* @return {string} - The name of the preset or CUSTOM if custom URL.
loadFromUrl(url) {
log.trace(`loadFromUrl: ${url}`);
const validParams = ['c', 'p'];
const link = new URL(url);
const params = link.searchParams;
const queryParam = validParams.find(x => params.get(x) !== null);
switch(queryParam) {
case "c":
const settings = this.fromUrl(url);
if (JSON.stringify(settings) !== '{}') {
// somehow I cannot get the settings object to match an empty object
// without doing this stringify action
return "CUSTOM";
case "p":
const preset = params.get(queryParam).toUpperCase();
link.searchParams.set('p', preset);
this.#view.updateConfigUrl(link, preset);
return preset;
* Return a URL string with the encoded settings string
* @param {Object} settings - The settings to encode
* @returns {string} - The URL as string
toUrl(settings) {
log.trace(`toUrl: ${JSON.stringify(settings)}`);
const encodedSettings = this.__getEncodedSettings(settings);
const url = new URL(window.location);
url.searchParams.set('c', encodedSettings);
return url.toString();
* Convert an url into a settings object for further processing
* Return an empty object if there is no parameter in the url.
* @param url - the URL from the window.location or from the configUrl
* @return {Object} - empty object if something went wrong, or settings object
fromUrl(url) {
log.trace(`fromUrl: ${url}`);
const params = new URL(url).searchParams;
const settings = {};
let values = null;
if (params.get('c') == null && params.get('p') == null) {
return {};
values = this.__base64URLdecode(params.get('c')).split(',');
map.forEach(element => {
if (
element === 'separator_character' || element === 'separator_alphabet' ||
element === 'padding_character' || element === 'padding_alphabet'
) {
settings[element] = this.__base64URLdecode(values.shift());
else {
settings[element] = values.shift();
settings[element] =
(parseInt(settings[element])) ?
parseInt(settings[element]) : settings[element];
return settings;
* Converts the settings object to a CSV array and returns it as a
* URL safe base64 encoded string
* @returns {string} - A base64 encoded string with the settings
* @private
__getEncodedSettings(settings) {
let values = [];
map.forEach(element => {
if (
element === 'separator_character' || element === 'separator_alphabet' ||
element === 'padding_character' || element === 'padding_alphabet'
) {
else {
return this.__base64URLencode(values.join(','));
* Return the string as a URL safe base64 encoded string
* @param {string} str - string to encode as base64 string
* @returns {string} - A base64 encoded string
* @private
__base64URLencode(str) {
const base64Encoded = btoa(str);
return base64Encoded
.replace(/\+/g, '-')
.replace(/\//g, '_')
.replace(/=+$/, '');
* Return the string decoded from a URL safe base64 encoded string
* @param {string} str - A base64 encoded string
* @returns {string} - The decoded string
* @private
__base64URLdecode(str) {
const base64Encoded = str
.replace(/-/g, '+')
.replace(/_/g, '/');
const padding =
str.length % 4 === 0 ? '' : '='.repeat(4 - (str.length % 4));
const base64WithPadding = base64Encoded + padding;
return (atob(base64WithPadding)
.map(char => String.fromCharCode(char.charCodeAt(0)))).join('');
export {ConfigController};